welcome to car clean

full interior and exterior clean


Car Clean is a small scale company which helps with the problem facing most people who
have and that is the problems of wrong timing in car washes,where people spend long hours waiting
for their turn.car clean solves it all .car clean provides a chance to book for your car to
at a certain time thus able to save time.

Why car clean?

  • Offer great services at great values
  • Use new generation biogradable detergents
  • Use of new machines
  • Multiple car wash around the country
  • Highly trained member to give you the best services

contacting us

  • it an easy to access
  • takes less than four minutes to book a spot
  • Email are under constantly checked
  • can be paid through :Samsung pay
    apple pay visa card pay pal

car clean is the best car wash ever .It's been like a home to me.It's easy to use and reliable.Their website is also interactive and provides good information on what you need. we are now in partnership with their members who clean app our f1 cars.

Lewis Hamilton
f1 world champion


Kenyatta Avenue
p.o.Box 4537
